Communication Studies: An Introductory Reader (ed. with Jeremy Hawthorn), London: Edward Arnold, 244 pages. Editions from 1 to 4 (1993).
Documentary and the Mass Media, (ed.) London: Edward Arnold, 234 pages.
Nuclear Reactions: Form and Response in Public Issue Television (with K. Richardson and N. Fenton) Acamedia Research Monograph, London: John Libbey (124 pages.).
(1) Popular Television in Britain: Studies in Cultural History, (ed). London: British Film Institute, (211 pages).
(2) Enterprise and Heritage:Crosscurrents of National Culture (ed. with Sylvia Harvey). London:Routledge (271 pages).
Television Form and Public Address London: Arnold, 220 pages.
(1) The Art of Record: A Critical Introduction to Documentary. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 206 pages.
(2) Television Times: A Reader (ed. with Sylvia Harvey) London: Routledge. (260 pages).
International Media Research:A Critical Survey edited with Philip Schlesinger and Roger Silverstone) London:Routledge, (250 pages).
Studying Media: Problems of Theory and Method. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press). 190 pages. Peking University Press edition, 2007.
Critical Ideas in Television Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 130 pages.
Media and the Restyling of Politics (ed. With D. Pels) London: Sage. 210 pages.
New Challenges for Documentary (ed. with Alan Rosenthal). Manchester University Press.
Public Issue Television: World in Action 1963-98. Manchester University Press.(with Peter.Goddard and Kay Richardson).
Theorising Media: Power, Form and Subjectivity (Manchester U. Press)
Political Culture and Media Genre (with Kay Richardson and Katy Parry) London: Palgrave.
Soundings: Documentary Film and and the Listening Experience. Ed. With G.Cox. Huddersfield University Press.
Contributions to Books Since 2000
Visibility as Truth and Spectacle in TV Documentary Journalism’, in I. Bondebjerg (ed) Moving Images, Culture and the Mind. Luton: Luton University Press. 143-153.
‘Influence: The Contested Core of Media Research’ in J. Curran and M. Gurevitch (eds) Mass Media and Society. (third edition). London: Routledge. 376-397.
‘The Public, The Popular and Media Studies’ in G.Philo and D. Miller (eds.) Market Killing.
London: Longman. 152-157.
‘Broadcast Journalism and Public Knowledge’. In D. Fleming (ed.).Formations. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 79-92.
‘Television: Duties and Pleasures’ in D. Morley and K. Robins (eds) British Culture: An Introduction. Oxford: OUP.
‘Documentary Studies’ (and 3 associated short articles) in G Creeber (ed) Television Genres London: British Film Institute.
Documentary Values’ in Ann Jerslev (ed.) Realism and ‘Reality’ in Film and Media. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
‘Afterword: Framing the New’, in Holmes S. and Jermyn D. (eds.) Understanding Reality Television, Routledge.
(1) ‘Foreword’ to E. Mathijs and J. Jones (eds) Big Brother International Wallflower Press.
(2) Articles on Sunday/Bloody Sunday, The Day After, Cathy Come Home in 50 Classic Television Programmes (ed. G Creeber) Arnold.
(3) ‘Adworlds’, reprint of chapter from Television Form and Public Address, in R. Allan and A. Hill Television Studies: A Reader. Routledge.
(1) ‘Language and Documentary’ Contribution to Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics Elsevier.
(2) ‘Bill Nichols’ entry article in I. Aitkin (ed) Encylopedia of Documentary. Fitzroy Dearborn.
(1) ‘Analysing Factual TV’ in G. Creeber (ed.) Tele-Visions, London: British Film Institute, 60-73.
(2) ‘The Visual Construction of Secondary Witness : Three case studies from Television’ in P. Hamilton (ed.) Visual Research Methods (Benchmark Studies in Social Research) London: Sage.
(1) ‘Media, Power and Political Culture’ for E. Devereux (ed.) Media Debates (London: Sage). 211-230.
(2) ‘The Cultural Politics of Archives’ in Ganz-Blaettler et al Heard-Seen: The use of digitalized archives for the Sciences Baden: Hier and Jetzt, 24-31.
‘Documentary Studies: Dimensions of Continuity and Transition’ in Rethinking Documentary (ed. Thomas Austin), McGraw Hill/Open University.
‘Media Form’ (revised chapter) in P.Cobley and Albertazzi (eds) The Media: An Introduction, (Third Edition). Longman. 35-45.
(1) ‘The Antinomies of Regulation’, in J. Gripsrud and L. Wiebull (eds) European Media History and Contexts. (London: Intellect). 139-153.
(2) ‘The Politics of Reality Television’ in Reel Politics (ed. L. Baruh and Hoon Park) Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 22-39.
(3) ‘Once Upon a Time: Documentary and History’ in Televising History Gray and E. Bell. London: Palgrave 13-27.
(4) ‘Critical Social Optics and the New Audio Visual Culture’ in J. Gripsrud Relocating Television, London: Routledge. 41-5
(5) ‘Promotion as Institutionalised Deception’ in M. Aroncyzk and D. Powers (eds.) Blowing up the Brand: Critical Perspectives on Promotional Culture, New York: Lang.
(6) ’49 Up’: Television biographical discourse and the idea of ‘life-time’ in Flow TV, Kackman, M. eta al. (eds.), London and New York: Routledge.
(7) ‘Afterword’, in K. Voltmer and K. Brants (eds.) Political Communication in Postmodern Democracy. London: Palgrave.
‘Genre and the mediation of Election Politics’ (With Kay Richardson and Katy Parry), in Political Communication in Britain: The Leader Debates, ed. D. Wring et al (Palgrave).
(1) ‘Confronting Value’ in M. Bailey (ed.) Richard Hoggart: Culture and Critique. Critical, Cultural
and Communication Press.
(2) ‘Temporality and Documentary’ in E Keightley (ed.) Time in Modernity. Palgrave.
(3) ‘The Utility of Fiction in Politics’ in Goring, Mitchell and Lothe (eds.)Each Other’s Yarns: Essays on Narrative and Critical Method Oslo:Novus Press.
(4) ‘The Uses of Media Research’ In Hovden and Knapskog (eds) Hunting High and Low Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.
‘Deaths and transfigurations: documentary futures’ in (B. Winston, ed.) A Companion to Documentary, London: Palgrave.
(1) ‘Futures of Television’, in Conboy, M. and Steel J. (eds.) Routledge Companion to British Media History
London. Routledge.
(2) ‘Music and the Aesthetics of the Recorded World’ in Holly Rogers (ed.) Music and Sound in Documentary. Routledge.
‘System Down: Three Documentary Accounts of Economic Crisis’, in G. Murdock and J. Gripsrud (eds) Money Talks. Intellect.
‘The Dream Machine: Television and Public Culture’, in S. Coleman, G. Moss and K. Parry Can the Media Serve Democracy. London: Palgrave.
Chapter on ‘Popular Culture’ in G. Mazolini ed. The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Wiley-Blackwell
‘Performing Class and Taste Through the Documentary Lens, in Deery and Press (eds) Media and Class, Routledge. 85-97.
With Julie Firmstone ‘Reporting the Public: Discourses of Interpretation, Evaluation and Prediction’ in Firmstone and Ekstrom (eds) The Mediated Politics of Europe: A study in comparative discourse. Palgrave.
Contributions to Journals Since 2000
(1) ‘What Can We Say About Documentary’ (review article), Media, Culture and Society. 22.5.
(2) ‘Mediated Persona and Political Culture’ European Journal of Cultural Studies
3.3. 386-402.
(3) ‘Towards the Really Useful Media Researcher’, Nordicom Information 3.4. 3-10 Reprinted in Nordicom Review 2001.’To ‘Toward ‘Towards the Really Useful Media Researcher’, Nordicom Information 3.4. 3-10 Reprinted in Nordicom
(4) ‘Documentary in a Post-Documentary Culture’ Working Paper No1. European Science Foundation ‘Changing Media/Changing Europe’ website
(1) with Peter Goddard and Kay Richardson, ‘The Formation of ‘World in Action’, Journalism. 2.1. 73-90.
(2) with Peter Goddard and Kay Richardson, ‘Researching Television History’,Norwegian Journal of Media Research. 8.1. 38-49.
(3) ‘Ideology: A Note on Conceptual Salvage’, Media, Culture and Society. 23.4. 525-533
(4) ‘Documentary in Dispute’ (Rev. Article). International Journal of Cultural Studies. 4.3 352-359.
(1) ‘Documentary within the Biographical Frame’, Framework. 43.1 95-101.
(2) ‘Performing the Real: Documentary Diversions’, Television and New Media.3.3. 255-269.
(3) ‘Sounds Real: Music and Documentary’, Popular Music. 21.3 357-366
(1) ‘Finding Data, Reading Patterns, Telling Stories: Issues in Television Historiography’, Media, Culture and Society 25.2 273-280.
(2) ‘Television, Documentary and the Category of the Aesthetic’, Screen. 44.1. 92-100.
(3) ‘Debate: The Model in Question’, European Journal of Communication. 18.3 367-375.
(1) ‘Television Studies: Plural Contexts, Singular Ambitions’, Journal of British Cinema and Television 1.1 6-13
(2) ‘Television’s Event Worlds and the Immediacies of Seeing’, Communication Review 7.4 337-343.
(3) ‘Freedom, Rights and Regulations; review article Media, Culture and Society 26.6 893-899.
(1) ‘Politics and Mass Media: A Response to John Street’ (with Piers Robinson) Political Studies Review, 36-41.
(2) ‘Value, Form and Viewing in Current Affairs Television’ (with Annette Hill) in Journal of British Cinema and Television. 3.1.
(3) ‘Backword Looks: Mediating the Past’, review article on television history in MCS
(4) ‘A Fiction (Un)Like any Other’, in Critical Studies in Television 1.1.
(5) ‘Archive Aesthetics and the Historical Imaginary’ in Screen 47.3
(1) ‘Documentary Expression and the Physicality of the Referent: observations on writing, painting and photography’ Studies in Documentary Film 1.1. 2007.
(2) ‘Sense and Perspective’ afterword for European Journal of Cultural Studies special issue on Television and History March 2007.(10.1).
(3) ‘Mediated Politics, Promotional Culture and the Idea of Propaganda’ for Media, Culture and Society 29.4 2007. 669-677 (to be reprinted in expanded form in Symbolism: An Annual Review of Critical Aesthetics. 10. 2009.
(4) ‘Television Studies and the Idea of Criticism’, Screen 48.3 363-369
‘Political Culture and Television Fiction’ (with Kay Richardson) European Journal of Cultural Studies. 10.1 2007
(1) ‘Public Knowledge and Popular Culture’ Media, Culture and Society. 31.1
(2) ‘Documenting the Political: Some Issues’, Studies in Documentary Film 3.2. 113-129
(1) John Corner, Kay Richardson and Katy Parry ‘Political Culture and the British Mediascape’,
Interactions. 1.3.
(2) Kay Richardson and John Corner, ‘Sketchwriting, Political Colour and the Sociolinguistics of Stance’, Journal of Language and Politics 3.2
(3) Kay Richardson and John Corner ‘Assessing Television’s Political Dramas’, Sociology Compass. December.
‘Putting the mock in Democracy'(Review article), Media, Culture and Society. 34.8, 1052-1058.
(1) John Corner, Kay Richardson and Katy Parry ‘Comedy, the civic subject and generic mediation’
Television and New Media.
(2) John Corner (with Martin Stollery) ‘The Postwar British Documentary Movement: Decline or
Transition?’. Introduction to special issue of Journal of British Cinema and Television. 10.3
(3) ‘Is there a ‘field’ of Media Research: The fragmentation issue revisited’. Media, Culture and
Society 35.8 November.
(4) ‘Criticism’: ‘Notes on the Circulation of Cultural Judgement’, JOMEC Journal 4, November.
‘Hailing the Citizen: A note on Politics and Audivisual Form’, Contemporary Theatre Review. 25.2 Spring.
‘Passion and Reason’, European Journal of Cultural Studies. 54.4 407-426
‘Situating the South Bank Show’ (with D. Lee), British Journal of Cinema and Television. 12.2 364-382.
‘The Many Spaces of Theory’, Communication Theory, October. 25.4 416-419
‘Ideology and Media Research’, Media, Culture and Society. 38.2 265-273
‘Strategic Impact Documentary’, with Kate Nash. European Journal of Communication 31.2.227-242
‘Aesthetic experience and issue of complexity’. Cogent Arts and Humanities. 3.1. January.
‘Inside and Outside Television: A dialogue on ‘Value’ , with Jane Roscoe. Journal of Media Practice 17.2-3.
‘Editorial: Media and the Military’(with Katy Parry) Media, Culture and Society. January (39.1) 2017.
‘Reflections on ‘Engagement’. Afterword to special section on Media Engagement.
Media Industries Journal. 4.1. Spring.
‘After Dark: Channel 4’s Innovation in Television Talk’ (with David Lee) Journal of British Cinema and Television. 14.4 445-463
‘Fake News, Post-Truth and Media-Political Change’ (review article) Media Culture and Society, November issue. (39.7)
For more recent and forthcoming work see the about section of this site and the full list of publications.