- 1978: ‘Where Students Part Company: Definitions of Media Studies’. The Media Reporter 2.1. 1978 pp. 14-17 (3,000 words).
- 1978(2)R: ‘Culture: Determinations and Processes’, Screen Education 28. Autumn. pp. 89-36 (3,500 words).
- 1978(3)R: (with Sylvia Harvey) ‘Examinations and Strategies: Communication Studies’. Screen Education 28. Autumn. pp. 79-85 (3,000 words).
- 1979(R): ‘Mass in Communication Research’, Journal of Communication 29.1. pp. 26-32 (5,000 words). Reprinted in G. Wilhoit and De Bock (eds.) Mass Communication Review Yearbook 1980. New York: Sage.
- 1979(2): (with Sylvia Harvey) ‘The Cultural Reading of Television’, Communication Studies Bulletin 5. Summer. pp. 28-33 (5,000 words).
- 1979(3): ‘Television’s Real Life Dramas: Problems of Documentary Method’. The Media Reporter, 13.1 pp. 30-33 (2,000 words).
- 1980R: ‘Codes and Cultural Analysis’, Media Culture and Society 2.1. pp. 73-86 (8,000 words). Reprinted in R. Collins et al (eds.) Media, Culture and Society: A Critical Reader, London: Sage.
- 1981: ‘Problems with Media Course Design in Higher Education’, Communication Studies Bulletin 6, pp. 10-21 (6,000 words).
- 1982: ‘Professional Assumptions in Newsroom Decision-Making’. The Media Reporter 5.pp. 17-22 (3,000 words).
- 1985: ‘Television – The Thing From Outer Space?’ The Media Reporter 9.1. 18-20 (2,500 words).
- 1986R: (with Kay Richardson) ‘Reading Reception: Transparency and Mediation in Viewers’ Accounts of a TV Programme’, Media, Culture and Society, 8.4. pp. 485-508, (8,000 words). Reprinted in Paddy Scannell, Philip Schlesinger and Colin Sparks (eds.) Culture and Power London: Sage (1992).
- 1988R: ‘Ideology and media: A Response’, Radical Philosophy 48. pp. 40-42 (3,000 words).
- 1989: ‘Documentary: Television’s Language of Knowledge’. Media Education Journal 7. 1989 pp. 28-31 (3,000 words).
- 1990: (with Sylvia Harvey) ‘Enterprise as a Cultural Project’. Magazine of Cultural Studies 1. pp. 24-27 (3,000 words).
- 1990(2): (with Sylvia Harvey) ‘Heritage in Britain:Designer History and the Popular Imagination’, Ten-8 36. pp. 14-21 (5,000 words).
- 1990(3): ‘Textualising Risk: TV Discourse and the Nuclear Energy Debate’ (with Kay Richardson and Natalie Fenton), Media, and Culture and Society 12.1. pp. 105-124 (8,000 words).
- 1991(1): ‘Studying Culture: Experience and Values, An interview with Richard Hoggart’. Media, Culture and Society. 13.2.1991 (5,000 words approx), pp. 137-151, Reprinted as Appendix Chapter in R. Hoggart, The Uses of Literacy Penguin (1992 reprint).
- 1991(2): ‘The Analysis of ‘Culture’, Editorial essay in Media, Culture and Society, 13.2.1991,
- (4,000 words approx.) pp. 131-136.
- 1991(3): ‘Covering the Environment’ (with Philip Schlesinger). Editorial Essay in Media, Culture and Society, 13.4., (4,000 words approx).pp. 435-441.
- 1992(1): ‘Presumption as Theory: Realism in Television Studies’ Screen, 33.1. pp.97-102 (2,500 words).
- 1992(2): ‘Genre and the Question of Influence in Television Studies’ Hermes (Paris) 11-12 pp.117-124. 5,000 words).
- 1992(3): (with Sylvia Harvey and Karen Lury) ‘ British Television and the ‘Quality’ Issue’, Media Information Australia 68. pp.78-85.(5,500 words).
- 1993(1): ‘Public Relations and Media Strategies’ (with Philip Schlesinger). Editorial Essay Media, Culture and Society 14.2.pp.339-344. (3,500 words).
- 1994(2): Debating Culture: Quality and Inequality’ ‘in Media, Culture and Society 16.1. pp.141-148 (5,000 words).
- I995: ‘Media Studies and the Knowledge Problem’ Screen. 36.2 pp. 247-155
- 1997(1): ‘Television in Theory’, Media, Culture and Society 19.2. 247-262.
- 1997(2): ‘Re-styling the Real’ in Continuum 11.1 10-22.
- 1997(3): (as member of Liverpool Public Communications Research Group) ‘Economic News and Public Knowledge’ Hermes 27 (Paris, CNRS).
- 2000(1): ‘What Can We Say About Documentary’ (review article), Media, Culture and Society. 22.5. 681-688
- 2000(2): ‘Mediated Persona and Political Culture’ European Journal of Cultural Studies 3.3. 386-402.
- 2000(3): ‘Towards the Really Useful Media Researcher’, Nordicom Information 3.4. 3-10. Reprinted in Nordicom Review. 1. 2001.
- 2000(4): ‘Documentary in a Post-Documentary Culture’ Working Paper No1. European Science Foundation ‘Changing Media/Changing Europe’ website (http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/changingmedia/)
- 2001(1): with Peter Goddard and Kay Richardson, ‘The Formation of ‘World in Action’, Journalism. 2.1. 73-90.
- 2001(2): with Peter Goddard and Kay Richardson, ‘Researching Television History’, Norwegian Journal of Media Research. 8.1. 38-49.
- 2001(2): ‘Ideology: A Note on Conceptual Salvage’, Media, Culture and Society. 23.4. 525-533
- 2001(3): ‘Documentary in Dispute’ (Rev. Article). International Journal of Cultural Studies. 4.3 352-359.
- 2002(1): ‘Documentary within the Biographical Frame’, Framework. 43.1 95-101.
- 2002(2): ‘Performing the Real: Documentary Diversions’, Television and New Media.3.3. 255-269.
- 2002 (3): ‘Sounds Real: Music and Documentary’, Popular Music. 21.3 357-366
- 2003 (1): ‘Finding Data, Reading Patterns, Telling Stories: Issues in Television Historiography’,Media, Culture and Society 25.2 273-280.
- 2003(2): ‘Television, Documentary and the Category of the Aesthetic’, Screen. 44.1. 92-100.
- 2003 (3): ‘Debate: The Model in Question’, European Journal of Communication. 18.3 367-375.
- 2004(1): Television Studies: Plural Contexts, Singular Ambitions’, Journal of British Cinema and Television 1.1 6-13
- 2004(2): Television’s Event Worlds and the Immediacies of Seeing’, Communication Review 7.4 337-343.
- 2004(3): ‘Freedom, Rights and Regulations; review article Media, Culture and Society 26.6 893-899.
- ‘Politics and Mass Media: A Response to John Street’ (with Piers Robinson) Political Studies Review, 36-41.
- ‘Value, Form and Viewing in Current Affairs Television’ (with Annette Hill) in Journal of British Cinema and Television. 3.1.
- ‘Backword Looks: Mediating the Past’, review article on television history in MCS 28.3.
- ‘A Fiction (Un)Like any Other’, in Critical Studies in Television 1.1.
- ‘Archive Aesthetics and the Historical Imaginary’ in Screen 47.3
- ‘Documentary Expression and the Physicality of the Referent: observations on writing, painting and photography’ Studies in Documentary Film 1.1. 2007.
- ‘Sense and Perspective’ afterword for European Journal of Cultural Studies special issue on Television and History March 2007.(10.1).
- ‘Mediated Politics, Promotional Culture and the Idea of Propaganda’ for Media, Culture and Society 29.4 2007. 669-677 (to be reprinted in expanded form in Symbolism: Annual Review of Critical Aesthetics. 10. 2009.
- ‘Television Studies and the Idea of Criticism’, Screen 48.3 363-369
- ‘Political Culture and Television Fiction’ (with Kay Richardson) European Journal of Cultural Studies. 10.1 2007
- ‘Public Knowledge and Popular Culture’ Media, Culture and Society. 31.1
- ‘‘Documenting the Political: Some Issues’, Studies in Documentary Film 3.2. 113-129
- John Corner, Kay Richardson and Katy Parry ‘Political Culture and the British Mediascape’, Interactions. 1.3.
- Kay Richardson and John Corner, ‘Sketchwriting, Political Colour and the Sociolinguistics of Stance’, Journal of Language and Politics 3.2
- Kay Richardson and John Corner ‘Assessing Television’s Political Dramas’, Sociology Compass. December.
- ‘Putting the mock in Democracy’(Review article), Media, Culture and Society. 34.8, 1052-1058.
- John Corner, Kay Richardson and Katy Parry ‘Comedy, the civic subject and generic mediation’ Television and New Media.
- John Corner (with Martin Stollery) ‘The Postwar British Documentary Movement: Decline or Transition?’. Introduction to special issue of Journal of British Cinema and Television. 10.3
- ‘Is there a ‘field’ of Media Research: The ‘fragmentation’ issue revisited’. Media, Culture and Society 35.8 November.
- ‘Criticism’: Notes on the Circulation of Cultural Judgement’’, JOMEC Journal 4, November.
- ‘Hailing the Citizen: A note on Politics and Audivisual Form’, Contemporary Theatre Review. 25.2 Spring.
- ‘Passion and Reason’, European Journal of Cultural Studies. 54.4 407-426
- ‘Situating the South Bank Show’ (with D. Lee), British Journal of Cinema and Television. 12.2 364-382.
- ‘The Many Spaces of Theory’, Communication Theory, October. 25.4 416-419
- ‘Ideology and Media Research’, Media, Culture and Society. 38.2 265-273
- ‘Strategic Impact Documentary’, with Kate Nash. European Journal of Communication 31.2. 227-242
- ‘Aesthetic experience and issue of complexity’. Cogent Arts and Humanities. 3.1. January.
- ‘Inside and Outside Television: A dialogue on ‘Value’, with Jane Roscoe. Journal of Media Practice 17.2-3.
- ‘Editorial: Media and the Military’ (with Katy Parry) Media, Culture and Society. January (39.1) 2017.
- ‘Reflections on ‘Engagement’. Afterword to special section on Media Engagement.
- Media Industries Journal. 4.1. Spring.
- ‘After Dark: Channel 4’s Innovation in Television Talk’ (with David Lee) Journal of British Cinema and Television. 14.4 445-463
- ‘Fake News, Post-Truth and Media-Political Change’ (review article) Media Culture and Society, November issue. (39.7)
- ‘Falsehood in focus- Media and the Politics of Veracity’, Afterimage (USA) Autumn.
- ‘Mediatization: Media Research’s Word of the Decade’. Media Theory. 2.2.
- ‘Origins and Transformations: Histories of Communication Study’, Media, Culture and Society. January ‘Aesthetics within Media Inquiry’ Media Theory Journal. November.
- ‘Figuring Covid: A note on Media Flows and Statisticality.’ Media Theory Journal. 5.1
‘ Media Research and Proposals for Media Change’, Media Culture and Society. 46.
(about 70 in major journals since 1978 –not listed here).
(Average Length approx 1500 words).A range of short items in journals and newspapers, including the Times Higher Education Supplement. Not listed here.