From 2000. 150 events national and international before this date.
- 2000(1): ‘Towards the Really Useful Media Researcher?’, Keynote Address to Annual Conference of Swedish Association of Media Researchers, Halmstad, Swed
- 2000(2): ‘Mediation and Politics’, paper to University of Brunel Human Sciences Research Group. May
- 2000(3): ‘A Post-Documentary Culture?’, paper to Nordic Television Conference. Bergen. June.
- 2000(4): ‘An Unbearable Lightness of Being’, paper to University of Westminster/Voice of the Viewer and Listener joint conference on Fact and Fiction in Television.
- 2000(5): ‘The Future for Documentary’, paper to postgraduate seminar in media studies, University of Amsterdam. November.
- 2001(1): ‘Revised Perspectives in Political Communication Research’, University of Cardiff, Staff Seminar in Journalism and Media, January.
- 2001(2): ‘Documentary Aesthetics and the Question of Evidence’, seminar at conference on Visual Evidence (ESRC/Pavis Centre), University of Leeds, April.
- 2001(3): ‘Documentary Treatments of Biography’, School of Media, Bergen, Norway. November.
- 2001(4): ‘”Spin” and Political Culture in Britain’, Seminar of European Science Foundation Programme ‘Changing Media/Changing Europe’. Rome, November.
- 2001(5): ‘Biography within the Documentary Frame’, University of Technology, Sydney Communication and Performing Arts seminar series, December.
- 2001(6): ‘Documentary Values’, Paper to International ‘Visible Evidence’ Conference, Griffith University Brisbane, December.
- 2002(1): ‘Facing the Nation: British Newspaper Front Pages’, paper to European Science Foundation Plenary Conference, Copenhagen. April.
- 2002(2): ‘Research Design and the World in Action Project’, paper (with P Goddard) to seminar on television history, AHRB Centre, Birkbeck College, London.
- 2002(3): ‘Finding Data, Reading Patterns, Telling Stories’. Opening Plenary Address to conference, Broadcasting Archaeologies and Futures’, University of Central Lancashire, June.
- 2002(4): ‘The ‘Propagada’ Model and the Political Economy of Despair’, paper to ESF seminar, Berlin, October.
- 2002(5): ‘Vision and Narrative in Documentary Journalism’, Staff seminar, University of Ghent, December.
- 2003(1): ‘The Immediacy of Seeing and Documentary Event-Worlds’, Seminar on Staging Reality, University of Stirling, January.
- 2003(2): ‘The Idea of the Popular in Media Research, EJC seminar on key themes in media research, European University, Florence. April.
- 2003(3): ‘The Philosophy of Media Regulation’. European Science Foundation Seminar, Konstanz, May.
- 2003(4): ‘Recent Transitions in UK Media’, European Science Foundation Seminar, Marseille, November.
- 2004(1): ‘Adding a Bit of History’, AHRB Seminar on Archives and Historiography, University of Reading, January.
- 2004(2): ‘Documentary Values’, Dayschool on British Television Documentary, Screen West Midlands, Birmingham, January.
- 2004(5): ‘Media and Democracy, History Hopes and Fears’, University of Bournemouth Staff Seminar, June.
- 2004(6): ‘Mediated Citizenship and the EU’, Symposium on Media and the EU, Charles University, Prague, December.
- 2005(1): ‘Documentary: in Sickness and in Health’, Plenary session, MECCSA Annual Conference, Lincoln. January
- 2005(2): ‘Television’s Event Worlds and the Immediacies of Seeing’, UCD Dublin Film Centre Seminar Series. February.
- 2005(3): ‘Television Documentary and Relations of Knowledge’, Cambridge University Media Research Group Seminars, Cambridge March.
- 2005(4): ‘Television and the Historical Imaginary’, Conference on Media History and History in Media, Gregynog, University of Wales. March.
- 2005(5): ‘Media, Culture and Politics: Terms of Transformation and Debate’, University of Orebro, Sweden, Department of Media. Seminars on Politics and Media. April.
- 2005(6): ‘Archive Aesthetics and the Historical Imaginary’, Seminar on Documentary Aesthetics, Department of Film and Media, University of Copenhagen, April.
- 2005(7): ‘Styling the Past: Visual Design and Historical Television’, Keynote Speech, Conference on Television and History, Lincoln University, July.
- 2006(1): ‘Holistic Approaches in Media Research’,opening plenary to Danish Media Research Council Doctoral Workshops. Roskilde, May.
- 2006(2): ‘Content and Textual Analysis in Television Research Design’, staff seminar Roskilde University Department of Media and Communication, May.
- 2006(3): ‘Political Imagineering and Democratic Discourse’, symposium on ‘Political Branding’, American University in Paris, Paris, May.
- 2006(4): ‘Form and Aesthetics in Television Research’, Plenary Lecture, International Screen Studies Conference, Glasgow University June.
- 2006(5): ‘The Cultural Politics of Archives’, Plenary Lecture, ‘See/Hear:Swiss Conference on Audiovisual Archives’, Lugano, Switzerland, September.
- 2007(1): ‘Television Historiography and Questions of Value’, Final Plenary Paper to International Conference on ‘Rethinking Television Histories’, Royal Holloway College (King’s College as venue), London, April.
- 2007(2): ‘Documentary and Politicality’, staff and graduate seminar, University of Copenhagen, June.
- 2007(3): ‘What’s the Big Idea? Audiences, Genre and Theory’, Transforming Audiences conference, University of Westminster, September.
- 2007(4): ‘Documentary and Politicality’, Colloquium on Documentary Aesthetics, University of Copenhagen, November.
- 2008(1): ‘Documentary and Infotainment’, Keynote at Seminar of Discovery Channel, Munich Discovery Campus. May.
- 2008(2): ‘Media and European Citizenship’, Oxford University Politics and International Studies seminar on Europe. June
- 2008(3): ‘Reality Television, Propositionality and Politics’, Istanbul international conference on Reality Television. (September).
- 2008(4): ‘Aesthetics, Politics and Documentary Change’, English Department, University of Cambridge (November).
- 2009(1): ‘Quality Television and Factuality’, University of Warwick seminar on Quality TV (March).
- 2009(2): ‘Political Culture and Television’, Annual conference of Political Studies Association. University of Manchester. (April).
- 2009(3): ‘Sensing the Past’ Documentary and History, symposium on Representations of the Renaissance, Queens’University Belfast (April).
- 2009(4): ‘Political Publicity as Institutionalized Deception’, New York University Seminar on Publicity, NY May.
- 2009(5): ‘Popular Culture as Research Focus’, seminar in Modern Languages Research series, University of Leeds. June
- 2009(6): ‘Confronting Value’, plenary at conference on The Continuing Influence of Richard Hoggart, Leeds. Met. University. July.
- 2009(7): ‘History and Genre: Notes on Form and Function’. Lincoln University conference on Television and History. July.
- 2009(8): ‘The Politics of Realism’, seminar on Representations of the Real, University Of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, September.
- 2010(1): ’The international economy of academic publishing’, paper to ‘International Day’, Department of Media and Communication, University of Lund, Sweden. August.
- 2010(2): ‘A Modern Comedy of Errors: British Politics and Media Representation 2010’, with Kay Richardson and Katy Parry, Seminar on Satire, University of Lincoln, October.
- 2010(3): ‘Realism and Nationalism’, discussant at Taiwan Study Day, University of Leeds. November
- 2011(1): ‘Politics, Comedy and Public Opinion’, (with Kay Richardson and Katy Parry) Meeting of World Association for Public Opinion Research, Segovia, Spain, April.
- 2011(2): ‘Documentary and the Aesthetics of Memory’, seminar on Film and Memory, University of Warwick, June.
- 2011(3): ‘The Economy of Academic Knowledge and Media Research’, Seminar to Media Research Seminar, Media and Communications, University of Lund. October.
- 2012(1): ‘ Ideas of ‘Culture’ within Research Design’, Research Dialogues, Media and Communication, LSE. March.
- 2012(2): ‘A Sense of Involvement: Media, Membership and Imagination’, Keynote address to International Conference on ‘Media Participation’, Lund, March.
- 2012(3): ‘System Down: 3 Documentary account of Financial Crisis’, seminar to staff and students at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Copenhagen, March.
- 2012(4): ‘The Comedy of Politics’, staff seminar, ICS, University of Leeds, May.
- 2012(5): ‘Reflections on recent Writing’, Staff seminar, University of Tampere, November.
- 2013(1): ‘Truly, Madly, Deeply: the discourse of amateur cultural review’, Conference ‘Passion and the media’, Lund University, March.
- 2013(2): ‘Critical Cultures and the Play of Difference’, keynote address to BAFTASS Annual Conference, University of Lincoln, May.
- 2014(1): ‘News as Show Business’, International conference on Newsreel, Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen, May.
- 2014(2): ‘ Political Aesthetics and Civic Subjectivity’, University of Surrey conference On Documentary Talk, September.
- 2014(3): ‘Ideas of Value in TV Research’, University of Westminster, December.
- 2015(1): Political Deception, to Sociology Seminar Group, University of Essex, January.
- 2015(2): Hailing the Citizen, to York University SPS Group, February.
- 2016(1): Political Transgression: The Case of Jeremy Corbyn (with Kay Richardson) Conference on Transgression, University of Lund, March.
- 2017(1): ‘Media Power: Some Issues’, Keynote to PG Seminar on Media Power. University of Lund, February.
- 2017(2): ‘Video Activism – Purposes and Forms’. Berlin seminar on the Power of Activist Video. May. Institute for Cultural Inquiry.
- 2018, 2021, 2022: Talks to Spring PG Seminars (on Covid, on Media Change) University of Lund.